Even though times are rough, there is so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Take a few minutes to stop and think of the things you are thankful for, even the little things. I bet there's more than you thought. As artists we have been given the gift of creating beauty and what a special gift that is! Be thankful for that privilege and use your abilities to their fullest.
I'm still working on my own version on "The Ant and the Cricket". Here's a very rough sketch of the ants feasting on the grain they gathered all summer. I thought it would be appropriate for today.
I'm very thankful for the artistic community I have around me, and how encouraging they all are. Thank you!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Wow, looking very cool!
Is it done yet? :)
Sorry Ant, I always intented to finish it, but other paid projects came up and this story had to be put away. Maybe some day I will be able to finish it
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