In the mean time, I have lots to do, including sending out my first batch of postcards! Hopefully I will have some ideas from the trip sketched out soon, and some finished drawings of sketches done before I left. In the mean time, enjoy some of the sites I saw in Israel!

Hey, that's me in front of the Dome of the Rock! We were asked to cover our heads when entering the site.

The West Wall/Wailing Wall. There were maybe ten Bar Mitzvahs going on while we were there.

In the Garden of Gethsemane. I love the olive trees there. This was one of my favorite places.

Visiting a Palestinian refugee camp and the wall that was built around it. It was very heart breaking to see.

The Jordan River. I had the opportunity to be baptized in the river. A wonderful experience!

The Sea of Galilee (which is actually a lake!) We got to swim in it as well as ride in a boat on it. Also, one of my favorite places.