Here is an illustration for the story I'm working on with my friend (Same story that the character sketches below are for). Something I need to work on and experiment with it my process of the medium I use. At first, the colored pencil goes on real nice and vibrant but after a few days the whole thing gets kind of faded and it loses it's vibrancy. I think there might be some kind of chemical reaction going on between the paint and the colored pencil....or something...I'm not really sure. I have tried a matte finish to put over, but that didn't really work. I will have to try and experiment with a few more things so my drawings will be preserved well!
Wow, you have really come a long way. I think this is one of my favs. Nice lighting, and clear focal point. Keep up the good work!!
This is the bomb diggity.
I really Like this one!! great BG!! :))
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