First some old news, just to catch up...
~My first illustrated book was just released on May 1st! (order your copy here!)
~Had the opportunity to show my art at the Huntington Beach Art Walk on April 20th.
~There was a shift in leadership roles within the OC Illustrators group that I am in. It was a sad, but also very inspiring change. We now have a new Facebook page!
~Me and 3 other artist friends have started a sketch blog on Tumblr. (I will try not to neglect this one because of it!) We will be posting a sketch every Monday and a new illustration every month. It is really just a way to keep ourselves accountable to each other.
And now for some upcoming news!...
~I will be showing my artwork from The Mahogany Door on June 3 from 6-11pm at the VioletHour Studio for the Fullerton Artwalk. I did this a few months ago, but I was asked to come back for a special "Kid's Extravaganza". I will be there selling copies of The Mahogany Door!
~Me and Katy Betz will be sharing a table at "Within Radius" an Art Festival in Riverside on June 18th from 6-10. It's going to be a great Festival of the arts! A bunch of bands will be playing and all kinds of artists will be there selling art. Come out and enjoy the festivities!
~Once again, some of my art has been accepted into the Art-4-Health Exhibition and Auction at Cal State Fullerton on October 12th. I have been involved in this show for 4's one of my favorites to be involved in. They were the ones who gave me the chance to have my first Solo Artshow! I am so thankful.
~I have a second book in progress that someone has hired me to illustrate. I can't show you much, but I have been given permission to post the cover illustration and maybe one interior image! For now, I'm posting the cover sketch. Next week I'll post the final image for the cover. The book should be out this Fall.
I'm pretty sure that's everything. If other things come up, I will be sure to post it!
Thanks for all the support and encouragement!