I had a cool opportunity recently to display my art in the new building at
EV Free Fullerton. It's a beautiful building with a convenient coffee shop attached to it. A great place to go hang out! Unfortunately, it is only a temporary art gallery, located upstairs, because they will be putting in couches and chairs in that area in a few weeks. But until then, visitors can enjoy the art of some members of the church, so go check it out if you have a chance. Each artist had their own section (A whole wall if they had enough art to show!) I had a lot so I got a big section. It was fun being able to have a large body of work up all at once. I've never had that before! I also got to hang my own art, also something I've never done before. Everyone I have talked to has said they really enjoy seeing work done by people involved in the church...I personally think it would be awesome to have an area where we can have a rotating art gallery/display. But that's just me....

Not the ideal lighting situation...but for a temporary display (all the walls had to be put up with black backing), it was put together WONDERFULLY! Thank you to Hap Brandon for put it all together and working so hard!