I'm on my way to finishing my children's book dummy! Two more colored drawings, 3 more sketches, and a better draft of the manuscript! I don't really have a title for the book yet but hopefully that will change soon. I like where this book is going, so I really hope I get to do something with it....like PUBLISH it! I am pulling back on my process and trying to make it a little more simple. I didn't make my own background color and texture this time. Instead I bought some pastel paper that is already textured. I also sprayed it with fixative so see if that helps. I'm still trying to figure out how to stop my drawings from fading after a few days!
School is almost done. About a week and a half and it'll be all over. I've briefly thought about Grad school, but if that's what I decide, it wont be right away. I need to try the "real" world for awhile. I don't want to stay in my safe little cocoon, I like to call school, out of fear. I have to be brave and jump into the world and see what happens because things aren't always as scary as they seem. I'm ready for an adventure, and what better adventure to go on, than life?